I Love to Dance

Perennial of the Week: Anemone – ‘Windflower’

Anemone is commonly called Windflower because its delicate, saucer-shaped blossoms appear to dance in the late summer and early fall breeze.

Anemone hits its stride late in the season, when many other perennials have finished blooming. These plants produce single or double white, violet-hued, or light pink flowers on tall willowy stems.

Honerine Jobert, which features fresh white flowers, is the 2016 Perennial Plant of the Year. Never underestimate the power of a white flower! These blooms “pop” from your landscape.

Your Anemone plants will do well if you provide them with moist, well-drained soil, and morning sun followed by a bit of afternoon shade. Partial shade in the afternoon makes for a much “happier Anemone.”

When adding Anemone to your garden during the fall, remember to mulch well before winter arrives. They appreciate the added protection as they are becoming fully established.

Your new plants will give you a great show in the garden bed, and inside your home as dainty cut flowers.

Although Anemones are considered deer and rabbit resistant, we recommend spraying the plants when they are getting ready to bloom since deer have been known to browse on the flower buds.

Yes: We have deer and rabbit repellents in our garden center that are made from natural ingredients that won’t harm your pets or children.

We are currently offering a variety of fall-blooming Anemones.

  • Anemone hupehensis“September Charm” presents silvery pink blooms. This plant is a very reliable perennial.
  • “Lucky Charm” is known for its deep pink blooms and purple stems.
  • “Honorine Jobert” – 2016 celebrated Perennial Plant of the Year– produces lovely single white flowers.
  • Japanese Anemone — Hupehensis var. japonica “Pamina” is a compact plant that rewards gardeners with semi-double rose-pink blooms.
  • Tomentosa “Robustissima” sends up light violet-pink flowers. This grape-leaved plant is prized for its tendency to spread/colonize.
  • Anemone Fantasy “Pocahontas” is a delightful dwarf plant that sports frilly double pink flowers.

Stop by today for the best price and selection this year!