I’m a Famed Healer
Perennial of the Week: Yarrow
Yarrow, a tough perennial, blooms in colors that are almost brighter than the sunlight they love so much. This plant’s fernlike foliage is green, grayish-green, or silver, and its flowers – which resemble compact bouquets on tall, slender stems — are nearly every color under the sun. Most of us recognize the yellow and white forms of Yarrow, but it also blooms in red, peach, lilac, and magenta. In fact, each eye-catching flower is also a long-lasting butterfly magnet!
Yarrow’s botanical name, Achillea millefolium, refers to the Greek hero Achilles, who is said to have used Yarrow leaves to heal his soldiers’ wounds. Today’s homeopathic preparations include Yarrow in treatments that help stop bleeding and in remedies for fevers and rashes.
In the garden, Yarrow attracts beneficial predator insects, making it a natural treatment for pests. If that isn’t enough, consider that Yarrow is also drought tolerant, deer resistant, and blooms from midsummer right through fall. Trimming back the past flowers will encourage Yarrow to re-bloom.
Here at Rohsler’s, Yarrow is carefully grown from seed and rooted cuttings. We are currently growing the following varieties in our Rohsler’s Grown branded pots: Terra Cotta, Sunny Seduction, Saucy Seduction, Strawberry Seduction, and Moonshine.
If you haven’t tried Yarrow before, this is your opportunity to add brilliant color and old-fashioned charm to your garden year after year!